Schultz, Mrs Stephanie- Speech Pathology
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In this section you will find specific sound word lists to practice at home! Feel free come up with additional words to practice with the specific sound that you are targeting! Have fun!
Additional Alternative Ideas for Practicing New Speech Sound Articulation Skills
1. Use paper, old magazines and glue to make your own I Spy poster. Look for pictures of objects with your sound. Cut out pictures of items with your sound to glue onto a large piece of paper or cardboard. Describe items using your best speech.
2. Say the names of items on a menu with your sound. Order your meal from the waitress using your best speech.
3. “Read” aloud with your partner using your best speech. Talk about the pictures and the story. Say the names of the books with your best speech.
4. Look for billboards and signs with your sound. Read each sign using your best speech.
5. Go on a “Sound Treasure Hunt”. Look for items that have your sound.
6. Ask for a basket or a box. Make a collection of it which have your target sound in their
name. Describe the items. Tell stories or play guessing games with the objects.
7. Tell a partner about a movie or a favorite story. Use your new sound correctly.
8. With a partner, play a “memory” game, make a list of words with your sound to remember. Add another word to remember each time it’s your turn!9. Make your own practice cards. Using an old deck of playing cards, some old magazines, scissors and a glue stick. Cut out pictures of objects with your sounds and paste them on the cards. Use the cards to practice! Think of sentences for the pictures or make up stories.