Locker Room Rules


    Black River Middle School Physical Education

    Locker Room Rules


    • One small locker will be assigned to each student for the school year. During class, the lock should be put on the locker with all of your belongings inside.
    • Leaving valuables lying around or a leaving a locker unlocked is only inviting theft. The physical education staff will not be responsible for lost/stolen articles.
    • A Masters brand combination lock will be provided to each student and the teacher will record the combination. The combination should never be given to another student.
    • Locks provided by the school are to be returned at the end of the school year. Any unreturned lock will incur a replacement cost or a replacement of a Masters number lock with combination.
    • No cell phones allowed in locker room.
    • No glass
    • No food or drinks
    • No running or dangerous behavior permitted at anytime in locker room
    • No climbing on lockers or standing on benches.
    • Once class begins students are not permitted in the locker room without permission.
    • No sprays or perfumes of any kind are allowed in locker room as these can trigger asthmatic/allergic reactions to some individuals.
    • Misplaced clothing will be placed in lost and found bin. Clothing in the lost and found bin will be donated prior to Christmas break and end of year. 

    **You may print this page and sign the back if you have lost the rules contract**