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Below are various forms needed for your child to receive medication, or if your child requires an Epipen or inhaler at school.
Please contact your child's school nurse with any questions or concerns.Medication Form:The attached form should be completed if your child takes a daily medication, or needs to be on a medication for a specific period of time (such as an antibiotic). This form is also used if you wish your child to be allowed to take Tylenol, Advil, cold or allergy medication, eyedrops, etc. as needed.
Please note, we are not allowed to give ANY medication, prescription or over the counter, without a physician's and a parent's or guardian's written permission.Click to open Medication Administration Request Form
Emergency Health Care Plan (EHCP):
Please complete the following form if your child has a food allergy. The physician and parent MUST sign this form and you MUST supply the school nurse with the appropriate medication (e.g. Benadryl and/or Epipen) as soon as possible.
Click to open Asthma Action Plan:If your child has asthma please complete this form with his/her doctor. Return to the school nurse with an inhaler, if needed.
If you cannot open this document, please contact your school Nurse to have a hard copy sent home.
Click to open 6th Grade Required Immunizations Form: