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Freund, Ms. Lauren - 4th Grade
Kaufer, Mrs. Robin - Speech
Mayers, Mrs. Linda - Special Ed.
Strauss, Mrs. Katherine - 4th Grade
Thompson, Mrs. Stacey - 3rd Grade
Beil, Mrs. Erin - 3rd Grade
Bragg Counselors' Site
CAAP - Chester Academic Assistance Program
Cahill, Ms. Colleen - Math Coach; K-5
Capan, Mrs. Gretchen - Spanish
Castro, Mr. Jerry - Technology
Connelly, Mrs. Susan - Library/Media
Dolan, Mrs. Kelli - 3rd Grade
Gruver, Mr. Robert - Music
Jacot, Mrs. Gretchen - 4th Grade
Jala, Mr. Christopher - Instrument Music
Johnson, Ms. Alexandra - 3rd Grade
Kozlowski, Ms Sarah - Health
Lewis, Mrs. Patricia - CAAP Math
Matelskey, Mrs. Robin - STEM
Militante, Mrs. Dana - 4th Grade
Mrs. Cathleen Matthews - Title I
Polkowski, Ms. Nicole - 4th Grade
Scarfo, Mrs. Lauren - 3rd. Grade
Schilp, Mr. Russell- Physical Education
Seely, Mr. Brian - 4th Grade
Tompkins, Mrs. Kelly - G&T
Vilagos, Mrs. Lori - Art
Vindici, Mrs. Maryanne - Special Ed.
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Capan, Mrs. Gretchen - Spanish
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Introductory Spanish
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Reasons for learning Spanish
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Bragg Elementary School
My Resources
Reasons for learning Spanish
Reasons for learning Spanish
Why Learn Spanish?
Learning a new language helps you gain an in-depth knowledge of English, and to really appreciate the value of your mother tongue
There is no better time to learn Spanish and enrich your life.
Develop a skill that could help expand your business, get you promoted or change your career.
Spanish speaking countries offer exciting business opportunities.
Spanish is the most important vehicle after English for international communication.
Make new friends at home and abroad.
Communicate with more than 400 million people in the world who speak Spanish
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South America
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