Diviney, Miss Mary - Kindergarten
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Weekly Classroom News
Here is a list of what we are learning in school:
RED Words
Please keep practicing sight words from List A and you can begin practicing RED Words from List B and C
Library Books
Please return all Library books on Friday
The children are upset when they cannot choose a new book when he or she has not returned the previous book.
Welcome to 2025!!!
At this time of the year, we should be able to identify our letters and their sounds. We have been practicing our sight words by identifying them by sight and writing them.
We are learning to write new words by stretching out the sounds and writing the letters to match those sounds.
We have been working on the neatness of our handwriting and the correct sizing of our letters.
We are starting to practice our addition and subtraction math facts.
You may review addition facts and start to review subtraction facts at home.
¡¡¡Bienvenidos al 2025!!!
En esta época del año, deberíamos poder identificar nuestras letras y sus sonidos. Hemos estado practicando nuestras palabras reconocibles a simple vista identificándolas a simple vista y escribiéndolas.
Estamos aprendiendo a escribir nuevas palabras alargando los sonidos y escribiendo las letras para que coincidan con esos sonidos.
Hemos estado trabajando en la pulcritud de nuestra escritura y el tamaño correcto de nuestras letras.
Estamos empezando a practicar nuestras operaciones matemáticas de suma y resta.
Puedes repasar las operaciones de suma y comenzar a repasar las operaciones de resta en casa.
Guided Reading
We have also officially started Guided Reading the 2nd week of January.
Books will be sent home in a plastic bag with your child's name on it every Friday.
The book(s) are to be read over the weekend as many times as possible
(Try to read at least 5 times for each book) and are to be returned the following Monday.
Please put the number of times that your child reads the book(s) and your signature next to the book.
Please do not eat or drink while reading these books.
Thank you!
Lectura guiada
También hemos iniciado oficialmente la Lectura Guiada. 2da semana de enero.
Los libros se enviarán a casa en una bolsa de plástico con el nombre de su hijo todos los viernes.
Los libros deben leerse durante el fin de semana tantas veces como sea posible.
(Intentar leer al menos 5 veces cada libro) y deberán ser devueltos el lunes siguiente.
Por favor, coloque el número de veces que su hijo lee el(los) libro(s) y su firma junto al libro.
Por favor, no coma ni beba mientras lee estos libros.
Water Bottles or Thermoses
Please remind and practice with your child how to close his or her water bottle or thermos every day.
We have had several accidents with water bottles or thermoses not being closed.
Thank you!!!!
Related Arts Schedule 2024 - 2025
Monday - Music
Tuesday - Physical Education (Gym)
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Physical Education (Gym)
Friday - Library / Stem or Technology and World Language
Library Books
Please remember to return all Library books every Friday.
Your child may not take out a book until he or she returns one.
Thank you!
Please check out my Supply List for essential Kindergarten materials.
Weeks 20 and 21
1/13 - 1/17 and 1/20 - 1/24
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
We are practicing these 4 steps to great learning:
Eyes Watching
Ears LIstening
Voice Quiet (Lips Quiet)
Bodies Still
Practice these 4 steps with your child at home. It will help them be better learners and listeners at home, as well as at school.
Language Arts
Identify capital and lowercase letters
Identify the letters in his or her first and last name
Writing his or her name using capital and lowercase letters correctly
Learning some French, Spanish, and Sign language.
We are practicing:
How to hold our pencils correctly
How to slant our papers to help write our letters correctly
To follow print from top to bottom and from left to right when reading
To identify periods, exclamation marks, and commas when reading
All RED words (sight words) on List A should be secure by the end of Kindergarten.
Upcoming RED Words: can. of, on, and, go, me, my, he, has, to, too, two, I, in, is, it, just. keep, play, chop, up, be, by, run, for, not, egg, see, shop, said,
Other RED Words practiced are: I, a, the, my, am, see, an, look, go, in, at, can, do, like, is, to, it, and, on, me, we, he, she, be, so, up, said, for, not, play, ran, saw, all, too, you, was, that, here, are, there, where, come, good, came, put, some, this, got, jump, big, little, say, away, then, went, will, get, they, with, when, ride, want, but, your, eat, has, had, have, who, take, make, made, give, her, gave, him, his, us, as, soon, out,.our, about, very, were, from, of, new, just, must, well, did, what, now, find, ate,
red, blue, orange, green, yellow, purple, brown, black, gray, white, pink
Identify Capital and Lowercase letters: Cc, Oo, Aa, Dd, Gg, Mm, Ll, Hh, Tt, Ii, Jj, Kk, Pp, Ch, Uu, Bb, Rr, Ff, Nn, Ee,
Identify the following letters and their sounds: Cc, Oo, Aa, Dd, Gg, Mm, Ll, Hh, Tt, Ii, Jj, Kk, Pp, Ch, Uu, Bb, Rr, Ff, Nn, Ee,
Identifying the letters and their sounds: Cc, Oo, Aa, Dd, Gg, Mm, Ll, Hh, Tt, Ii, Jj, Kk, Pp, Ch, Uu, Bb, Rr, Ff, Nn, Ee,
Identifying short vowel sounds: a, e, i, o, u
Identifying long vowel sounds: a, e, i, o, u
Identifying short vowel word families: at, ag, an, and, am, ack,
Identifying long vowel word families: Upcoming
Identifying the digraphs such as: th, sh,
Identifying blends. Upcoming
Reading Workshop
This reading unit contains mini-lessons that demonstrate how a reader thinks while they are reading.
There is so much more to reading than reading the words/pictures and retelling a story.
A reader thinks, thinks and thinks as they read.
This unit names and demonstrates the different kinds of thinking a reader does to understand the book better.
A good reader predicts, infers, creates mental images, questions, wonders, synthesizes and talks.
Good readers think about the story and make predictions.
Good readers point to words when they read.
Good readers are good listeners.
Good readers read a variety of genres.
Good readers read the illustrations
Good readers to understand the use of punctuation in a sentence
Using inferencing as a reading strategy
Writing Workshop
Writers make lists.
Writers label pictures.
Topic 7
Explore Subtraction
Represent subtraction as taking apart
Represent subtraction as taking from
Use minus sign
Represent the minus sign
Represent and explain subtraction with equations
Continue to represent and explain substraction equations
Solve subtraction word problems: take from
Use patterns to develop fluency in subtraction.
Use appropriate tools
Studying weather and weather patterns.Social Studies
Second Step Program - Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Naming our feelings: happy, sad, mad, angry, frustrated, calm, uncomfortable, excited, disappointed, lonely, surprised, and scared.
Discuss what empathy means.
Discuss accidents - when we hurt people by accident.
Discuss Caring and helping.
Learning to identify our feelings and how to solve our problems.
Great Listener Rules include:
1. Eyes are for watching
2. Brain is for thinking
3. Lips are closed
4. Ears are for listening
5. Hands are in our laps
6. Feet are crisscross applesauce
Good Coloring Rules include:
1. Coloring inside the lines
2. Colors make sense
3. Fill in the white spaces