
  • Just a Reminder

    Here is a list of upcoming events:  

    Go to Weekly Classroom News



    Welcome to 2025!!!

    At this time of the year, we should be able to identify our letters and their sounds. We have been practicing our sight words by identifying them by sight and writing them.

    We are learning to write new words by stretching out the sounds and writing the letters to match those sounds.

    We have been working on the neatness of our handwriting and the correct sizing of our letters.

    We are starting to practice our addition and subtraction math facts. You may review

     addition facts and start to review subtraction facts at home.


    Guided Reading

    We have also officially started Guided Reading the

    1st week of January.

    Books will be sent home in a plastic bag with your child's name on it every Friday. The book or books are to be read over the weekend as many times as possible 

    (at least 5 times for each book) and are to be returned the following Monday.

    Please do not eat or drink while reading these books.

    Thank you!



     Please return all Library Books every Friday.

    The children are disappointed when they can not check out a new book.



    ¡¡¡Bienvenido al 2025!!!

    En esta época del año deberíamos ser capaces de identificar nuestras letras y sus sonidos. Hemos estado practicando nuestras palabras de uso frecuente identificándolas a primera vista y escribiéndolas.

    Estamos aprendiendo a escribir nuevas palabras estirando los sonidos y escribiendo las letras para que coincidan con esos sonidos.

    Hemos estado trabajando en la pulcritud de nuestra letra y el tamaño correcto de nuestras letras.

    Estamos empezando a practicar nuestras operaciones matemáticas de suma y resta. Puedes revisar

    operaciones de suma y empezar a repasar las operaciones de resta en casa.

    Lectura guiada

    También hemos iniciado oficialmente la Lectura Guiada del

    1ª semana de enero.

    Los libros se enviarán a casa en una bolsa de plástico con el nombre de su hijo todos los viernes. El libro o libros deben leerse durante el fin de semana tantas veces como sea posible.

    (al menos 5 veces por cada libro) y deben ser devueltos el lunes siguiente.

    Por favor, no coma ni beba mientras lee estos libros.




    Guided Reading Books

    Guided Reading Books will begin on Friday, January 10th. Your child will bring a plastic bag home with a book or books along with a recording sheet. 

    Please read the letter attached to it for the directions.


    Guided Reading books should be returned to school on Monday

    along with the Recording Sheet in the plastic bag.



    Water Bottles or Thermoses

    Please remind and practice with your child how to close his or her water bottle or thermos every day.

    We do have several accidents with water bottles or thermoses not being closed. 

    Thank you!!!!


    Library Books

    Please remember to return all Library books every Friday.

    Your child may not take out a book until he or she returns one.

    Thank you!


    Please remove all papers on the left side of your child's folder. Please leave these papers at home.

    Thank you! 



    Pick - Ups


    Please sign into Pick Up Patrol to address your child's pick-up schedule.


    And if I am out for the day, a substitute teacher does not have access to my email. All notes and letters should be placed in my green basket when your child comes into the classroom.


    We will be having 2 snacks every day. Please tell your child which one is for the morning snack and for the afternoon snack.

    Or label each snack 1 and 2.

    On Early Dismissal Days and Delayed Opening Days we only have one snack.

    Thank you!



    Library Books


    Your child will return his or her Library book each Friday.


    JOIN THE PTO! Check out the website - some shirts are still available and the Chester PTO Spirit Wear

    will go back on sale for the holidays.





       Dear Parents,

    I hope everyone is doing well with this unusual situation. Please feel free to reach out to me through

    my email. I will be adding more information for various activities that you can do with your child

    on my webpage.

    Thank you, Be Safe and Stay Healthy!

    Here is the link to my webpage:

    Miss Diviney



    Please visit the Google classroom for Kindergarten. The link will be added shortly.



    Here is Mrs. Connelly's website link




     Please visit the Kindergarten Google Classroom to visit more websites for really great videos to watch with your children.



    Dear Parents,


    We need donations of 2 Gallon Ziploc plastic bags. We could use some more since I am running low on all my supplies in the classroom.



     Dear Parents,

    We will be working on the websites - Splash Learn, Raz-Kids, ABC Mouse, Starfall, and Brain Pop Jr.

    Your child may use these websites at home. We are having some issues with Brain Pop Jr which I am looking into.





    Please check the Related Arts Tab since our related arts schedule is different from the other classes. We will be the spilt class, which means that some children will join other classes to attend their related arts classes.



    Please return all Library Books whenever your child is finished reading the book.

    Children are disappointed when they can not check out a new book.

    Thank You!


    Please send in 

    ear buds in a small plastic bag by Friday, September 20th.

    Please put your child's name on all these items. Thank you!



      Please return all Library Books every Monday.

    The children are disappointed when they can not check out a new book.

    Thank You!



    I would like to ask if anyone has some older games lying around that you would like to donate to our classroom such as: Chutes and Ladders, Perfection, Operation, Old Maid cards, Operation, Connect Four, Battleship, etc... They would be greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you!


    Please DO NOT send in baby wipes! They must be district approved.



    Dear Parents,

    Just as a reminder that the best way to communicate to me is through a handwritten note or an e-mail to me.

    If your child is sick and is going to stay home. please notify the school nurse.

    Please understand that I do not always check by e-mail during the school day, so please write a note and send it in the morning or call the school to make sure I have received any note that you have written to me. 

    Please remember that if I am absent, the substitute does not have access to my e-mail.

    Thank you for all your help and cooperation in this matter.




    Please remember that we are a

    Nut Free Classroom


    Please do not send in any type of nuts into the classroom for snack or lunch.

    Thank you!


    Please have your child practice tying shoes. We have had many shoelaces becoming untied. 

     Please double knot them. I am afraid someone will get hurt.


    Spirit Day

    Every Friday is Spirit Day, so please have your child wear his or her Spirit Day clothes

    or just wear red, or black to support our School. 



    Please remember to wear sneakers when we have gym.


    Star of the Week

    Star of the Week starts in November