Forearm Pass

Volleyball Rules

  • 1. Team Volleyball is played with 6 players on each side but can be played with less if a team is short players.


    2. If a team has more than 6 players, additional players will start as substitutes and will be rotated in one at a time everytime that team wins the serve back. The new player entering the game must start as the server and the rest of the players rotate clockwise one position. Teams that fail to substitute or rotate correctly shall forfeit the game. 


    3. The positions are 3 players in the front row and 3 players in the back row. The back right position player is the server. The server can serve from anywhere in the back row as long as they are behind the back line when they serve. Players can move around once the ball is served but the front row players cannot play in the back row and back row players cannot play in the front row. 


    4. The server must get the ball over the net from behind the back line using a legal serve technique to start play. Teammates cannot help the ball over the net on the serve. If the ball hits the net on a serve but still goes over that is a legal serve. If the ball hits anything else other than the net on the serve including the ceiling it is considered out of bounds and is a point for the other team. There are no 'faults' in volleyball such as in tennis. 


    5. After the serve, each team has a maximum of 3 hits to get the ball back over the net in an attempt to score. A block does not count as a hit. All hits must be legal hits and no player can hit the ball twice in a row. If the ball hits the ceiling as it goes over the net, it is considered out of bounds and is a point for the other team. If the ball hits the ceiling and comes down on the same side, it is still considered in play and may still be hit over the net as long as the team is within their 3 hits. 


    6. Legal hits are considered the forearm pass, also called the bump and the overhead pass, also called the set. Illegal hits are one handed hits, carries, closed fists hits, heading the ball or using any other part of the body intentionally such as the knee/foot/etc. 


    7. To score a point the ball must land on or within the red lines of the opposing teams playing area or if the opposing team fails to legally return the ball back over the net. Unlike many other sports, in Volleyball if the ball hits the line it is considered in bounds. If areas of the court do no have a line an imaginary line is formed.


    8. During the course of the game, only the ball is permitted to touch the net. If a player touches the net it is a net violation and the other team wins the point. 


    9. All players must stay on their half of the court, if a player encroaches into the opposing teams playing area it is a violation and the point is awarded to the opposing team. 


    10. The score must be announced by the server prior to every serve. If the server fails to announce the score prior to serving, the point is still played, however, if the serving team wins the point the point does not count but if the opposing team wins the point the point does count.


    11. The game is played to 25 points and you must win by at least 2 points. After either team reaches 15 points, the teams switch sides prior to the next serve.