• Payment and Fees

    Information Regarding Protection Plan for Bragg Chromebooks

    All families grades 3 through 5 can opt into a nonrefundable maintenance fee of $20 per student per year.  The annual fee will cover accidental damages of district technology devices.  It is important all technology be handled with care and responsibility.  If the device is willfully damage beyond repair or value, lost, missing, stolen, or cannot be returned to the district , the parent or guardian will be charged the full price of the repair or replacement device.  Power adapters that are accidentally damaged will not be replaced.  Payments must be made through Mealtime at https://www.mymealtime.com or by bringing a check to the main office.  If you need a Mealtime account please reference the sign up instructions by clicking Here.

    What is Cover / Not Covered

    Covered Damages

    Damages Not Covered

    Accidental drop causing a cracked screen

    Lost, stolen, or missing device

    Accidental liquid damage

    Damage due to fire

    Broken keyboard

    Lost Power Adapter

    Broken trackpad

    Intentional damage

    Power supply or motherboard issues

    Chromebook damaged with case removed

    Accidental drops, liquid damage, broken keyboards, or any damage unintentional will be covered under this fee.  These repairs can be used once per calendar year.  Additional instances of repairs will not be covered and the parent or guardian will be charged the full repair price.