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Bragg Intermediate School
Reporting In and Out
When you arrive, you are to report directly to the building secretary. There are a number of forms that you are required to sign. The goldenrod substitute sign in sheets is in the attendance book near the secretary’s desk. Be sure to sign the bottom of the form.
Next, you will receive a folder containing special instructions that you may need. Contained in the folder will be an emergency plan in the event the teacher’s plan book is not available.
Occasionally, you will be a “Floating Substitute.” In this case, you will be reporting to a variety of classrooms throughout the day so that the teacher may attend a meeting or workshop. Please locate all of the classrooms before the day begins, checking in with the teachers if possible. Be sure to be on time to assignments as the meeting times may be delayed otherwise.
Each teacher has a mailbox in the main office. You should locate the mailbox assigned to the teacher for whom you are substituting and take all notices and materials with you to the classroom. Please examine and read all items you take from the mailbox. There may be announcements that have to be read to the class or notices that have to be sent home with the students.
Plan Book
Many teachers will leave very specific substitute plans. If you do not receive them upon arrival, they may be found on the teacher’s desk. If they are not there, do not panic as the absent teacher may have left them with another teacher or will be sending them into you.
If this is not the case, the teacher’s plan book will be located in either the middle drawer of the desk or on the top of it.
The reading of the plans should be one of your first tasks. If you have any questions about the lessons you will be teaching or the materials needed, please seek assistance from another teacher before the day begins.
Teacher’s Manual(s)
The teacher’s manual(s) will be found on either the top of the desk or in a place designated by the teacher in his/her plan book.
Board and Seat Work
When a teacher knows that he/she will be absent on a given day, board work and seatwork exercises will be prepared for you. You should write all board work on the chalkboard/whiteboard or Smart-board before the students arrive. If you do not know how to operate the technology, please seek assistance.
Related Arts Teachers
Art, Music, Spanish, Health, Physical Education, STEM, Technology, and Media Center teachers understand that you may not have expertise in their specific area and will leave appropriate plans for you, which may include viewing a movie. Be sure you have the proper equipment and that you know how to operate it before the start of classes. If your assignment includes traveling to classrooms, be sure to arrive in a timely manner. Do not, however, leave a classroom until the classroom teacher returns.
Our Expectations of You
You are expected to:
- Assume all the duties of the teacher you are replacing. This includes bus, cafeteria, or playground duties.
- Supervise your students at all times. Students cannot be asked to remain within a classroom unless they are directly supervised by you.
- Correct all papers and workbook exercises.
- Write a brief note summarizing what and how much of the teacher’s plan was accomplished.
- Leave the classroom in an orderly and as neat a condition as possible. All windows are to be closed and shades drawn in accordance with the practice of the building.
- Command the respect and obedience of pupils in all manner of pupil department.
Pupil attendance is to be taken immediately after the opening of school in all grade level classes. An attendance sheet has been provided for this purpose. If directions are left, please enter attendance on PowerSchool on the computer. This is sent to the building secretary. Notes from children who have been absent should be sent with the sheet when it is sent to the office. Please also make note of the number of lunches the class is ordering (hot, sandwich, etc) and include that on your attendance sheet.
Alternate Dismissal Notes
As students come into class, they may have notes from home for getting picked up. You will have a form to fill out listing the students’ names and where they will be going at dismissal time (MCAW, Kids Klub, Parent Pick Up, Scouts, etc). Fill this form out, attach notes, and hold it until the end of the day. At the end of the day, send all students on your list to the alternate dismissal room.
Other Notes from Home
All other notes from parents should be sent directly to the office. The principal either authorizes or disapproves any requests. You will be notified of his/her decision.
Health Office
Students should be permitted to see the nurse if they ask to do so. The nurse will make all determinations of whether or not a student is well enough to remain in school or is to be sent home.
Lavatory Privileges
Students are to be granted lavatory privileges upon their request.
If you experience a problem in maintaining classroom control or individual pupil discipline, contact your building principal.
Any student who is asked to leave the classroom for disciplinary reasons must be escorted to the school office by an adult. Your intercommunication system can be used to contact the building principal to arrange this procedure.
Pupil Dismissal
Pupils may not be dismissed or leave the building before the close of the school day without permission from the building principal.
No pupil will be allowed to leave the building with any adult without the permission of the principal. No student is to be released directly from the classroom. They are to report to the office for dismissal.
At the end of the day, wait until the announcement for dismissal. Students who are taking the bus leave first, followed by Alternate Dismissal students. Please be sure all students know where to go.
Accidents to Pupils
Minor accidents such as small cuts and scratches should be taken care of by the building nurse.
For all larger accidents, the school nurse should be called to the accident scene. The principal should be informed immediately of serious accidents to students. An accident form should be secured from the building principal, completed and returned to him/her before the end of the school day.