Tutoring and Academic Support Services

  • What if I want my child to keep up with their homework assignments on a consistent basis?

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    Bragg Elementary School and Black River Middle School students can join the Homework Club that takes place after school during the week. Contact your school's guidance counselor or principal for more details. 

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  • What if I want my child to be tutored by a Chester staff member?

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    Please note that these tutoring sessions happen off site and outside of school hours. The teacher will share information about the price of the tutoring session. This specific tutoring service is not sponsored or funded by the Chester School District.  Click here to access a live updated list of Chester teachers who offer tutoring services. 

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  • What if I want my grades 6-8 child to participate in the BRMS Peer Tutoring Program?

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    If a student is seeking assistance in a particular subject, BRMS guidance counselors, Mrs. Azzara, Mrs. Spence, or Mr. Morris will work to pair the student in need with an 8th grade student who is confidently able to tutor in a particular subject area. Tutoring will take place in the cafeteria during enrichment on the assigned day. The program will begin in October and conclude in April.  An email will be sent to all students once the program has been set up. 

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  • What if I want my grades 3-5 child to receive free tutoring services through the Chester Library?

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    The Chester Library Mentoring Program pairs high school students and younger students (3rd – 5th grade) together to work on homework assignments and study skills.  The teacher supervises the sessions and provides any needed expertise and insight to students who are struggling with an assignment. The program meets weekly on Mondays from 4:30 – 5:15 pm from the end of October through the end of April.  We follow the district calendar and do not meet on Mondays when the schools are closed.  This program is funded with grant money from the Chester Municipal Alliance. Contact Danielle Guli via email at danielle.guli@chester-nj.org or contact the Chester Library via email maryann.burden@chs.mainlib.org.

    Click here to access the flyer and registration form. 

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  • What if I want my child to be tutored online by HelpNow eLearning through the Chester Library?

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    Click here to register for a free library card. Click here to learn more about this free online tutoring service for Chester Library members. 

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