Werner, Mrs. Kathleen- 7th Spanish
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In this section you will find general class materials (i.e. MLA guides, syllabus, etc.) and any other information or links that pertain to class.
View this Sr. Jordan video to practice "IR" verb:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQhl9q4Io1E&index=3&list=PLBJBL9k10-TeHoV_jIQEfovPpqre3aO7oWATCH THIS VIDEO TO REVIEW PRONOUNS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWDoKY4VVucWATCH THIS VIDEO FOR A REVIEW OF THE VERB "SER"
www.youtube.com (There are many helpful tutorials on specific Spanish concepts.)
www.quia.com (Click on Quia Web and then Spanish)
www.glencoe.com/sec/worldlanguages/cafe/index.html (This is the website that corresponds to our textbook)