ELA Site

  • Welcome to the K-5 
    English Language Arts 
    Information Page
    My name is Danielle Meekings and I am the Literacy Coach for the Chester School District. Before coming to Chester, I worked as a 3rd, 1st and Reading Recovery teacher for the Bridgewater-Raritan School District. I was also a NJ Department of Education Reading Coach and a Supervisor of Student Teachers for Rutgers University. I live in Tewksbury and have three amazing children.  
    I work with all teachers, K-5, in both Bragg and Dickerson Schools.  My main area of focus is on the ELA (English Language Arts), Reading and Writing Instruction, going on in all the classrooms. I support all teachers in their teaching of reading and writing in alignment with the NJ Student Learning Standards.  Our goal in Chester is to make our students independent and lifelong readers and writers. 
    Please click the link below for additional information.