Chromebook Initiative
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Chromebook Initiative
1:1 Chromebook Initiative
Since the 2016-2017 school year, our district has provided all students in Grades 2 through 8 with a Chromebook. Students will use their Chromebooks at school and be charged and stowed in their classroom.
This is an exciting time for our district. We believe a Chromebook for each student will lead to an overall enhanced educational experience, better student organizational skills and learning and sharing beyond the walls of the conventional classroom.
We look forward to the opportunities this technology will provide to our students and teachers and we deeply appreciate the support of our stakeholders in the Chester School District community.
Why 1:1?
A 1:1 Chromebook initiative will allow greater accessibility to technology while preparing students for an ever-changing world. 1:1 removes the need to schedule computer lab time and eliminates the need to share mobile carts. In addition, student and teacher ownership of their own devices creates a sense of responsibility, sparks a desire for professional learning and generates excitement to integrate technology to further engage and empower student learning. Moreover, availability at their fingertips will allow for higher level integration both at school and in the home. 1:1 promotes anytime, anywhere learning, not just scheduled computer time.
Beyond a powerful instructional tool, we believe a 1:1 initiative will provide teachers and students with a valuable means for formative assessment to help differentiate and personalize instruction. It also provides creative summative assessments and project and inquiry-based learning opportunities. In other words, we can more easily and readily identify what children know and where they need additional assistance. Lastly, 1:1 allows us to phase out some textbook purchases and replace these with online, interactive textbooks and real-world, educational resources.
CSD Learning Goals
- To provide real-time access to technology and information which provides anytime, anywhere learning.
- To break down cultural and socioeconomic barriers and provide greater equity for all CSD students.
- To increase student proficiency and confidence in creating, collaborating, communicating, and critically thinking as digital citizens of the world.
- To provide students with unique challenges and opportunities for connections that promote global learning in the digital age
- To achieve ISTE's National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS):
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
- To facilitate the growth of our students to become creative and problem-solving digital leaders.
Acceptable Use Policy
Click here to access our Acceptable Use Policy.
Taking Care of Your Device
Students are responsible for the general care of the device they have been issued by the school. Devices that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported immediately by the student in order for the District Technology department to evaluate the problem. Loaner Chromebooks will be provided for students whose Chromebook is being repaired.
a. General Precautions
i. The device is school property and all users will follow the School District Provided Technology Devices to Pupils and the District Acceptable Use Policy for Technology.
ii. Only use a clean, soft cloth to clean the screen, no cleansers of any type.
iii. Cords and cables must be inserted and disconnected carefully to prevent damage to the device.
iv. Only labels/stickers applied by the technology department will be acceptable on District Chromebooks.
v. Identification labels on Chromebooks and chargers must not be removed.
b. Carrying Devices - The protective cases provided with devices have sufficient padding to protect the device from normal treatment and provide a suitable means for carrying the device within the school. The guidelines below should be followed:
i. Devices should always be within the protective case and secured.
ii. Students should be careful placing devices in lockers and/or on desk to avoid placing too much pressure and weight on the device screen.
c. Screen Care - The device screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
i. Do not lean on the top of the device when it is closed.
ii. Do not place anything near the device that could put pressure on the device.
iii. Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
iv. Do not “bump” the device against lockers, walls, car doors, floors, etc. as it will eventually break the screen.Software on Devices
Software on Devices
a. Originally Installed Apps/Extensions - The apps/extensions originally installed by CSD must remain on the device at all times. From time to time the school may add software apps/extensions for particular use.
b. Inspection - As with all other District technology, student devices may be looked at for security or other purposes. If a student’s device is requested for an inspection passwords to unlock device must be provided. CSD reserves the right to confiscate the device for any reason at any time if inappropriate materials are found on the device.
c. Procedure for re-loading software - If technical difficulties occur, illegal, or non-CSD installed software or apps are discovered, the device will be restored from backup. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of any software or documents deleted due to a re-format or re-image.
d. Software upgrades - Upgrade versions of licensed software/apps or OS are available from time to time. Students may be required to check in their devices for periodic updates.
e. It is highly recommended that students completely power off their Chromebooks at night. This will allow the device to update on its own when powered on.
f. Any attempt to install 3rd party software to circumvent District filters or install apps or extensions on the Chromebook will result in immediate disciplinary action.Acceptable Use
Acceptable Use
a. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
i. Talk to your children about values and the standards that should be followed on the use of the Internet just as you do on the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies, and radio.
ii. Make sure you read and sign off on the CSD Acceptable Use form.
b. School Responsibilities
i. Provide information on home Internet options.
ii. Provide academic Google account ( to its students.
iii. Provide Internet blocking of inappropriate materials as able while utilizing CSD Internet or logged on Chrome web browser with your account.
c. Student Responsibilities
i. Student will demonstrate understanding of policies and rules for technology use via the Digital Drivers License test before receiving a Chromebook and via the AUP (TBD)
ii. Use computers/devices in a responsible and ethical manner.
iii. Obey general school rules concerning behavior and communication that applies to device use.
iv. Technology resources shall be used in an appropriate manner that does not result in the informational damage of school equipment.
v. Physical damage to devices should be reported immediately to school staff.
vi. Secure devices against theft or loss.
vii. Help CSD protect our computer system/device by contacting an administrator about any security problems they may encounter.
viii. Monitor all activity on their account(s) if applicable.
ix. Students should always turn off and secure their device after they are done working to protect their work and information. Securing the device includes storing device out of sight and in a safe location.Parent Resources