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Student Attendance Link
Dear Student Body,
Please click on the link below and complete/submit this attendance sheet each day. Thank you.
Students (Grades K-1)
At the K-1 level students will not be required to log into their school accounts. The focus of FIDs (i.e. remote or virtual learning) at the elementary level is to ensure that meaningful time during the day is spent on appropriate, reading, writing, science, social studies and mathematics activities. Between the hours of 9am -2pm students should engage in a reasonable manner with learning goals as developed by their teachers. Specific topics of focus in these areas will be provided by the classroom teacher through one of the following: instructional portfolio packets, email, teacher websites, Google Classroom, Seesaw, or other online learning management platform. Live streaming of lessons could take place through Google Meet or Zoom.
The nature of these assignments will be of a problem based learning format that will allow our younger students to really explore a topic in depth and using an interdisciplinary approach, i.e. reading a book and responding to it via a number of curricular approaches using writing, art, technology, music etc.
Students (Grades 2-8)
A Flexible Instruction Day (i.e. remote or virtual learning) is a day of school and students are expected to give the same amount of focus and effort to a FID as they would to any other school day. Flexible Instructional Days will begin for students at 9am and will last until 2pm with a one hour lunch period from 12:00 - 1:00 for the teachers to be mirrored or self-determined by the students and their parents. Students should be expected to log into their teacher’s Google Classrooms to identify the expected work for the day. Lessons could be live streamed via Google Meet or Zoom. Students should expect to complete a full day's worth of work and may be asked to collaborate virtually with other classmates on assignments. Students, without a school approved excuse, will be held responsible for all work not completed by the assigned deadline. Deadlines will be assigned at the discretion of the classroom teacher and assignments will be returned either graded or with feedback in a timely manner.