
  • Click here to access the daily Staff Member Attendance Form.

    In the event of a Flexible Instruction Day (i.e. remote or virtual learning), faculty will be expected to be available through email between the hours of 9:00 AM -2:00 PM. Teachers will be available via email during these hours with the exception of 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM which will be identified as teacher lunch. Thirty (30) minutes of this FID will be set aside for physical activity of the student’s choice, as well as other Related Arts assignments, as planned and assigned by their Related Arts teachers. 

    Learning experiences may include class work and homework, but all work that is required for submission will be provided with feedback from the teacher making the assignment. Student work assigned by each classroom teacher should not exceed what the district has determined as an appropriate amount of time. Appropriate in this case, is defined by the district as work lasting the approximate duration of a normal class period. For example, if you are a middle school teacher you should not be assigning more than 90 minutes worth of work over the course of two consecutive days. If you are an elementary school teacher, math work expectations should not exceed the amount of time dedicated to math instruction and practice during any single day. 

    Should FIDs be needed to extend beyond two (2) consecutive days, instructional videos will be posted on teacher Google Classroom or district website featuring either district teachers or instructional supervisors with a goal of furthering the instructional sequence and supporting student understanding.  Virtual video assignments will be complemented by appropriately connected learning experiences. These videos will further the instructional sequence by serving as initial exposure to content as received in class or supporting student understanding by focusing on reteaching or clarifying previously instructed materials.  These reteaching/clarification videos will be gathered through student-teacher communications and formative assessment, just as they are in class.  

    In addition, teachers must engage their students in an online video format in real time such as Google Meet or Zoom allowing for those personal connections and relationships to be maintained.  This also offers an excellent opportunity for students to engage with their peers and the teachers in a true virtual learning experience. Our tech department and technology coaches will be available to help foster these connections and make them possible.  How and when this happens is entirely up to the teacher as determined by subject matter and student age and grade level.