Would you like to use your cell phone and/or email to get classroom reminders and weekly photos of what we are doing in class?
To sign up for Beehive notifications, please BEE sure to click on the links below for the
2024-2025 Remind App How To.
A MATH Beehive (first morning class)
BEE MATH Beehive (first class after lunch)
A SCIENCE Beehive (first class after PM specials)
BEE SCIENCE Beehive (my homeroom class) (last class of the day)
I will be using this app to provide you with classroom information, reminders, photos of classroom learning and projects, photos of the Beehive, photos of specials classes, show and tell items, upcoming test reminders, etc.
I will NOT be using it as a communication device.
Please send me an email if you have a question or comment.
Thank you!